Advertising on

Easy to understand advertising rates and page/time limits

Advertising on is EASY!  We don't burden the process with a lot of PPC or Click through lingo. We charge basic flat rates for varying levels of advertising and time periods as well as page placement.  See the rates below and find out how easy and affordable Advertising on can be.

As always, if you have any questions please contact us and we'll get right back to you.

Advertising Rates

Text advertising - A simple line or two of text that has a link to your website or your business info and graphic.

Text advertising is the most reasonable advertising rate on All-Veg. The ads are placed either near the bottom of the page, above the Social Link box and on at least three Tier 2 pages.  They can also be placed in the left navigation column.

Bottom of 3 or more pages - $10 per month with a three month minimum and advance payment.

Left column navbar - $12 per month with a three month minimum and advance payment.

Banner Advertising

Banner placement may be above the fold or below the fold and located on a minimum of three Tier 2 pages.

Above the fold banner - $30 per month with a three month minimum and advance payment.

Below the fold banner - $20 per month with a three month minimum and advance

Block advertising

Block advertising is sold in three units - a 200 X 200 box placed in the upper left of a page, in the center or content section, a 170 x 170 box in the left navigation column, and a 120 x 460 tower ad, also placed in the left nav column.

200 x 200 Top Left - At least three page displays - $30 per month with a three month minimum and advance payment.

170 x 170 box - At least three page displays - $22 per month with a three month minimum and advance payment.

120 x 460 tower ad - At least three page displays - $25  per month with a three month minimum and advance payment.

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